

教學地點: 桃園縣南區龍潭鄉的國小

教授年級: 4與6年級.

教材: 皆為朗文



目前須要代課支援的時間為: 10月17日早上四堂課(含3堂四年級1堂六年級).日後還會有相當多的機會代課哦!






而且我驚訝的發現孩子們居然會"自己唱"2首難度不低的歌了!耳濡目染You raise me up和Big big world之下,孩子們在沒有音樂的伴奏下也唱的挺順!


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An inspiring teacher

Don’t have much time recently to write anything. So I’ll just share this wonderful post from an English teacher in Australia. I remember when I was doing my final essay in the course of New Media in the Maquarie Uni, I also included her successful case in my literature review.

Her recent post I’ve often taken Elizabeth Bennett shopping is really inspiring!

Do go check it out!

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Take it as a learning curve

We had a seminar the other day at school. The speaker was sponsered by a publisher and what I did is simply passed on the words to the administration. I didn’t pay much attention to the fact that the dean put both my collegue’s and my name on the seminar enrolling system at first. However, I started to have that sick feeling AFTER the seminar.

The reason? Hmmm…there are a lot of them. I figure the experience proofs that 1. NO,I’m certainly not as smart and quick as I thought I am. 2. I should have  trusted more on my intuition.

Preparing tea and sometimes even snacks for the guests seems like a custom for most seminars. I always categorize this preparation as part of the job description of the administration at school, which is why I felt a bit odd when the rep. from the publisher rang me.

She said she rang the dean and ask if there are hot water pots at school since they’d like to bring some tea and coffee for the speaker and audiences.

Surprisingly, the dean said…"No."

Of course the rep. found the answer a bit funny and unusual. But then since that’s how the dean replied, they wouldn’t bother to prepare the refreshments.

And I was stupid enough to let it go without organizing this myself before the seminar starts.

Maybe it’s because my knowledge for this is "it is the administration who should be hosting and organizing seminars"?!

Of all the seminars I’ve been to, the deans are always the moderators of seminars. And honestly I have 0 experience in organizing this occassion.

After I learned that the dean didn’t prepare to talk and do all other "customs", I realize that maybe I’ve made a mistake here.

Maybe preparing for the seminar is not in their job description? But then who’s reponsible for that? Me? I thought I’m only passing on the words?!

I felt extremely uncomfortable afterwards and discuss this with W and my parents. Here are some reflective thoughts from our discussion.

1. If your name is on some public arena, you are committed yourself to this occassion. Organize the preparation yourself even if it is none of your business. Why? Because it is YOUR name on it! And since I’m not someone with influential background, no one would volunteeer to help. The best help is from yourself!

2. If you have overheard the negative reputation of the speaker, don’t be afraid to say no to the sponsor even though it is a free service! This speaker has a pretty good credential and most EFL teachers in Taiwan knew him. Neverthless, being famous doesn’t always equals to good quality. I’ve been to one of his speech some years ago and that one really wasn’t impressive. However, I failed to bring up my concern and experience to the rep. simply because I felt a bit uncomfortable about bargaining with her.

Organizing a seminar concerns both the organizor and the audiences’ time and money. if I want to initiate a seminar. I should look for the best speaker and the most appropriate topic.

Well, the rep. later told me that according to her experiences, the administration at our school does "act funny" in organizing the seminar. And I finally get over this odd feeling after a few days. W said take this experience as a learning curve, "You’ll be full alarmed next time when your intuition senses something different!"

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頓時覺得自己很像白痴.5分鐘前工作人員還特別和我說成人皆須離場,結果守規距的人反而是笨蛋!!和學生訓練1個月以來,不管表現如何,有沒有影片公佈在網站上,我當然想親眼看到學生最後在台上的表演!這對家長來說也是同樣重要的事.但是守法的人, follow the rules的人,卻覺得被騙了.



幾次參賽的主辦單位都一樣,但是比賽形式卻每一次都不同.這也讓我也好奇,難道搞一個統一的形式會這麼困難嗎? 為什麼不能先區賽後再決賽,這樣不是更有效率,更有基本的評審公平點嗎?


"Now Annie, what does this story tell you? Don’t follow the rules!!"








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yo yo的複數是什麼?

常常發現自己會"卡"在最簡單的英文單字上.例如- yo-yo 的複數是什麼?

老實說我沒想過這個問題,yo yo的複數要不要加S若不是最近和6年級的複習複數觀念還真不會想這件事.

但部份學生們堅稱-補習班老師說yo yo沒有加s!真奇怪,補習班老師說的一定對?也不是說學校老師教的必定比補習班對,但至少要說出個道理吧?或是,拿出個證據?

於是,除了昨晚問過w "yo yo到底有沒有複數,是不是字尾加s"的這個白目問題後,就開始找"白紙黑字"來證明yo yo 的複數的確要加s..

終於找到了一個網站有詳細說明yo yo的複數,我也才大大的放心了下來.下次上課要和學生證明我的說法可是有根據的!也是因為學生的質疑才費心找這種挺無聊的答案,但是也因此找到這個資源,要謝謝學生給我"動力"呢!

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The seven wonders…in improving oneself

I read this from Lifehack, one of my favorite blogs. With 24 sessions a week, I often find myself stucked in my classrooms from the minute I step in the campus. I try to keep a journal for every class, totally 17 of them, only found it is an absolutely mission impossible. I hardly have time to the toilet between each sessions, let alone to sit down and do some reflection of each class.

However, it is important to reflect, to write, and most of all, to share ideas. I’ve found great pleasure in reading blogs from people with different backgrounds and positions. For that, I believe the power of social networking here. You don’t always require a position to speak up your mind!

So here’s the 7 important questions that would push you closer to success, that is if you do more than answering the questions!

  • 1. What will I try to improve on next week?

  • 2. What was I most proud of this week?

  • 3. What was my biggest accomplishment this week?

  • 4. What have I done to get closer to my life goals this week?

  • 5. What was hard for me this week, and why?

  • 6. What was my biggest waste of time this week?

  • 7. What did I do this week that made me ashamed?

Hmmmm…A lot to think about, isn’t it?

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